My NaNoWriMo (hereafter NaNo) is going absolutely freaking fantastic. I am pleased as punch at how well I'm doing, which is far better than I expected. Today I want to give an update on where I'm at in my MS, in the hopes of encouraging all my fellow participants, as well as discuss some things I've been doing that I believe are key to my success.
First of all, me:
I am at over 28k, less than two weeks in! In terms of my structure, I am actually one "chunk" behind, because I had a numbering snafu plus inserted an extra one for plot reasons. Which begs the question: what's a chunk? See below :)
In terms of my par (60k at 2k a day), I've only missed my par one day, which I made up on the following day. I've written a little extra every day, which has added up dramatically. Plus I took a double day instead of my usual day-off challenge last week. At this point, there is little doubt in my mind I am going to win by NaNo rules (50k). I'm fairly confident about hitting my goal of 60k, as well. I'm not as confident about actually finishing all 32 chunks by the 30th, but I feel certain I will finish them by at least a week into December. If I stay on the same course, I expect my finished zero draft to be about 75-80k, if not longer.
How am I getting so many words out?
1) Chunks - this is a phenomenally effective organizational method for me. A chunk is a daily wordcount-par-sized collection of segments, roughly analogous to a chapter. My chunks on this MS are 2-2.5k, most coming in around 2.2k. Some of those chunks have 5 or more sections, some have as little as three. Each section is a change in viewpoint character, new location, and so on, the same as I would organize a short story. When I am done with the full MS, I can go back and reorganize the sections into actual chapters, moving them if necessary.
What chunks do for me is they allow to think of my daily work in discrete, finite terms. Rather than writing until I drop, I write until I'm done. I never have to quit in the middle of a scene, I always know when I'm done for the day, and I'll have easy units to rearrange as needed when I'm done. At the beginning of my writing session, I read over the last few chunks, adding to them as needed, then dive into the newest chunk.
2) No editing/zero draft - These are two sides of the same coin. It is vital that I give myself permission to write absolute crap. In all ways: story, plotting, characters, phrasing, grammar. I do not give the slightest whiff of brimstone whether I am producing anything but a story. This allows me to turn off my inner critic and just go. If I come up with a nice turn of phrase, I include it. If my sentence is a rambling mess, as long as I understand it, I let it be and roll on.
The zero draft is the draft before a first draft, the one whose sole purpose is to get all the puzzle pieces out in the open so the writer can go back and reassemble them later. My only goal this NaNo is to finish a novel. No qualifiers, just finish. When I'm done, I expect to have to go back and rewrite much of the prose, flesh things out, and so on. That will be the first draft. But not yet. For now, the finish line is the most important thing.
3) Daily Plan - This is a brief pre-writing period where I look at the day's chunk, break it down into section, and detail the events of each section, briefly. The idea isn't a comprehensive outline, just a few sentence fragments for each section. For me, neither pure pantsing quickly becomes a snafu, and heavy outlining bores me to tears. A daily plan provides enough direction to keep me from painting myself into a corner, and a quick reference for what happens next when I'm on a roll.
The most important thing about the daily plan is that it gets my mind oriented and aimed, like pulling back the rubber band on a slingshot. Then all I have to do is let go, and write.
4) Other - I take a brief break when I finish each section, noting my current wordcount and celebrating it (ie 1/3rd done=woo-hoo! and so on.) I often reward myself during these breaks with an article I want to read, or snackies, or whatever. I write every day, mostly mid-afternoon. If I miss making my wordcount early, I stay up after the rest of the house has gone to bed. Once I hit my wordcount, my priority for the rest of the day is anything but writing. I tweet every day when I hit my par, and post on NaNo, these trophies really help.
So that's some of the things that have worked for me. I'll have at least two more blogs while NaNo is running, and one post-NaNo wrap-up, as well, with more news, more of what works for me, and more encouragement. I'm very interested to see how the holidays (Thanksgiving weekend) affect my writing, and if I'll be able to keep up this pace for the rest of the month.
Until then, good luck, keep writing, and remember that the only way to lose is to quit.
Please mentor me?! I'm at 12k words, sigh. I can't stop editing and just let the words flow, even if they're crap. I need serious help. :}
I know how you feel. Editing killed my last two novels. The only editing I am allowing myself this time is adding more words. Which doesn't really count as editing, no?
12k is nothing to sneeze at. Most people say "I'm going to write my novel, someday, when I have enough time," and they never even start. So you're already ahead of the curve, just by virtue of having the chutzpah and drive to put words down.
Also, look up people like Nathan Lowell, who is at 70+k by now. I wish I could do that! All I can do is what I can do. Just do what you can and keep going. Most important is to keep writing, no matter what.
One thing I didn't mention in the post, which has helped: I save each chunk as a separate document. So I don't have to wade through the whole thing every time I start, just the last few chunks.
Thanks for the pep talk! :) And the tip - I never thought of saving "chunks" in separate documents. I've been doing a lot of wading, lol.
Oh and if you have a FB acct, you should add myself and Jay. He's Jason Wiscarson and I'm Heather Nelson (Reynolds). :)
I'm not on FB. Just can't afford the time right now. One of these days, when I am writing full-time, I might make an account.
Please do ask Jay to add me on NaNo as a writing buddy, and on twitter.
2 other things--if you're local SlugTribe is a great place for critiques and meeting other writers. Google it. And do yourself a favor and read Dean Wesley Smiths post on "Writing Fast." Heck, read the whole "Killing the Sacred Cows" series. I learned a ton from them.
I hear ya about needing more time. Time is my nemesis.
Jay's not doing NaNo, just me (I'm his fiancee, did I explain that?:). He's sorta on Twitter. I'll have him add you. He thinks you're the bee's knees. :)
I'm not sure Slug is for me, really. My over-arching genre is transgressive, I suppose. Just generally odd stuff. No sci-fi or fantasy elements. It's all very much based in the "real world." Whatever that is. :)
I started an all-night write-in at Epoch Coffeehouse (just a mile or so from our house) on Friday. I'll be there at 9pm-ish and will be staying until super late in the evening/morning. It would be awesome if I could make your acquaintance. I hope to get some serious writing done!
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