To begin with, this post is actually an experiment in workflow. Because I
enjoyed the process of writing the Armadillocon Challenge Story in
longhand and then typing out a second draft, I wanted to try the same
thing for a blog post, just to see how it felt.
It's important to try different things, even if they may not always turn
out to be improvements, just for the learning involved. New
perspectives and all that.
The problem is that I'm writing this post at work, while driving. So: cue the voice recorder.
I'm doing something a bit convoluted, in the interests of exploration.
I'm writing this post first on voice recorder, then I'm going to
transcribe it longhand, then I'll type it on the computer. Phew.
This means three drafts, essentially. In order to keep the process
transparent--and to explore putting photos up on my blog--I will include
pics of the handwritten second draft.
Podcasting is a pain for me at the moment, so you won't get the audio
first draft. I suspect the 2nd draft, and third for that matter, will be
substantially different, so it might be interesting for comparison, but
I doubt there will be much interest in listening to me drone on. (Note
from further down the timestream: The drafts are all very different.
Also, I say umm... a whole lot and repeat phrases like blog post way too
much. You don't want to hear the audio, trust me.)
So that's the big idea. The rational is that a blog post is the smallest
chunk of writing worth doing this with. A tweet would be silly and
fiction, even flash, would represent to large a chunk of time. If I
enjoy working this way I will try a short story next. If not, no
worries, I haven't lost much writing time. (Time traveler note the
second: I don't like transcribing by hand. I do like having a hard copy
to work from. See final thought for the next experiment's parameters.)
On to the main topic: As mentioned last time, I wrote a complete short
at 'dillocon this weekend. I wasn't sure I was up to the challenge, to
be frank, and was quite proud of myself for completing it. I've now
finished the second draft of 'Apeshifters', transcribing the text from
legal pad to computer document. I made substantial changes as I went. I
had a blast all the way through.
I still have a bit of revising to do, mostly line edits, but the story
is mostly done now. It turned out to be a pulpish adventure, heavy on
the weird. It has my kind of humor. I like to think of it as rollicking.
As glad as I am to have a complete story, especially given the drought
I've been in lately, the biggest value here is the lessons learned. I've
gotten back in touch with why I write in the first place. The one-word
answer: fun.
Putting my worlds, characters, ideas, and events down on paper is a good
time. Regardless of merits. It can be a terrible story, but it's mine
and I love it all the same. And the thing is: completion is the first
step on the path from awful to sublime.
I've been prejudging my ideas, and that's been killing my writing. The
habit reared its ugly head after last year's 'dillocon, and has
persisted until now. I'm glad to kick it.
The truth is, it's very rare for a story to start out good, for an idea
to come to me whole cloth and be worth pursuing. By trying to only focus
on good ideas, of which I get precious few, I've been neglecting all
the terrible ideas that can grow into beautiful swans if I only let
My work evolves as I put it down. A few pages can make a world of
difference to a story. I can't know how far an idea might carry me until
I've finished putting it down, all of it, every last bit.
Because handwriting leaves little leeway for editing, and because I gave
myself a deadline and was under the gun, I managed to bypass the
critical voice entirely. I wrote a breezy, fun first draft. The second
draft tightened up a ton of things, developed the ideas, and was also
great fun. Absolutely marvelous to be working like this again.
I'm so stoked.
Verdict: Pad and paper + blasting through first draft = super way to get
a story of to the races. I've written more this week than I have in a
long while. In fact, the Armadillocon Handwritten Story Challenge was
such a success that I went to my local big box and bought a twelve pack
of legal pads and a twenty-four pack of jr. legal pads :)
Final thought: Having the story in front of me, in hard copy, makes
editing/redrafting so much easier and more fluent. I'm going to try
pushing myself through my next computer-typed story the same as this
last one, then printing a hard-copy and redrafting from that. Basically
mimicking the process I used on 'Apeshifters'.
I'll let you know how that goes.
As promised, pics of handwritten 2nd draft below. Which makes this officially my first pencast. As noted, the text is substantially different, although the ideas and flow are similar.
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